Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin

Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin

Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin
Aegina was one of the greatest commercial centers of the ancient world. This first coin had an obverse shaped like a turtle. This design was probably chosen for several reasons. The turtle was symbolic of the island's seafaring traditions. Also, the turtle was a creature sacred to the Greek goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. The beauty of the island was certainly conductive to love. The reverse pattern was an incuse square with divided segments.

The earliest coins had very crude reverses. Later, there was a gradual evolution toward meaningful themes on the reverses. Material: Genuine 22K Solid Genuine GOLD.

Turtle island of Aegina Coin collectible ancient coin Solid 22K Gold Coin